Category: Background

  • S1E7 Annie Sandrussi: Background Notes

    From: Annie Sandrussi <>To: Pat McConville <>Subject: Re: Invitation to interview on Concept : Art podcast 1.      Ontological disruption,  and the ‘unthought’ grounds of thinking – and those things that remain hidden from our view, but are fundamental to it.  I come at this from a combined Heideggerian and ecofeminist lens. I have a paper…

  • S1E6 Yuri Cath: Background Notes

    From: Yuri Cath <>To: Pat McConville <>Subject: Re: Invitation to interview on Concept : Art podcast I still feel (following points in my old email below) that I couldn’t say that any art works/genres have influenced my work in philosophy in any direct way.  But there are definitely connections between the artists and art movements that…

  • S1E2 Marilyn Stendera: Background Notes

    From: Marilyn Stendera <> To: Pat McConville <> Subject: Re: Invitation to interview on Concept : Art podcast Relevant papers: Artworks/themes: I’ve been struggling a bit with deciding which pieces to highlight, partly because of a paradox – art is both so close and so far; it’s a pervasive part of my everyday life and…

  • S1E1 Supriya Subramani: Background Notes

    From: Supriya Subramani <>To: Pat McConville <>Subject: Re: Invitation to interview on Concept : Art podcast Hi Pat,  Reflecting on how art has influenced me, I’m afraid to say I can’t share art which directly influenced my work (you can’t find direct link in my research), but it definitely has informed me the way I…